#AskMelanie: How can I better organize my estate?

January is a great month for reviewing and cleaning up your finances. In addition to this, I am strongly urging all of my clients to have another individual authorized on their CRA account (preferably your accountant and also a spouse or the executor of their will).  I have had many clients whose spouse has passed away and completing all the requirement of the estate is taking much longer than needed as they do not have access to the deceased tax account. Important note: Being identified as the executor in a will is not sufficient to allow you access to the individual’s CRA account. The CRA wants the returns filed, but will not talk to anyone without the authorization.  CLICK HERE FOR THE FORM. 

#AskMelanie: How can better organize my estate?

This Simple Tool Can Help Organize Your Estate (Content courtesy of the Bean Counter)

I have written numerous times over the years urging you, my readers, to get your financial affairs in order, by stress testing your finances should you pass away suddenly. While clearly a morbid topic, the rationale for the discussion is this: if you do not get your affairs in order and you pass away suddenly, you leave your family a financial mess at a time of emotional distress, anxiety and confusion.

I have had many readers personally write to thank me for urging them to undertake this task, since it provided them with financial peace of mind. They told me that in many cases, this undertaking was the catalyst for them to sit down with their spouse or significant other, review their finances, and communicate and document what financial assets they have and where they can go to find them. In addition, other non-financial issues surrounding their passing were discussed, such as funeral arrangements.

In my professional practice, I have practiced what I preached and have urged my clients to write their financial story and organize their affairs. As clients, I was able to provide them a fillable estate organizer to make their task somewhat easier.

You can link to the estate organizer and download the document here.

If you have not already taken the time to write your financial story and organize your estate, you now have no reason to procrastinate — you have a simple, fillable document to make the task much simpler.


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BDO Canada LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms.

I provide a wide range of professional accounting, income tax preparation and consulting services including:

• Financial statement preparation
• Accounting and bookkeeping
• Personal Income tax preparation
• Estate returns
• Corporate Income tax preparation
• CRA audits and assistance
• HST and sales tax
• Business succession and valuations
• Business Start-ups

Let’s get started in three easy steps:

  1. Learn more about me ⇨ Send me a LinkedIn connection invite
  2. Send me an Email ✉ Send me a message at melanie@miltonaccountant.com
  3. Call ✆ Give me a call locally at 905-875-4444

Get more advice from Melanie on her blog and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter as well!

#AskMelanie: How to Complete a Financial Clean Up

The start of a new year is the perfect time for reflection. What important financial planning have you put aside during the busy holiday season? Now is the time to get caught up. Here is some great advice from the Blunt Bean Counter 


So, what is a financial cleanup? The following are some areas you should be reviewing each year.

Yearly Spending Summary

I use Quicken to reconcile my bank and track my spending during the year. If I am not too hazy on New Year’s Day, I print out a summary of my spending by category for the year. This exercise usually provides some eye-opening and sometimes depressing data, and often is the catalyst for me to dip back into the spiked eggnog 🙂

But seriously, the information is invaluable. It provides the basis for yearly budgeting, income tax information (see below), and amongst other uses, provides a starting point for determining your cash requirements in retirement.

Portfolio Review

The holidays or early in the New Year is a great time to review your investment portfolio, annual rates of return (also 3,5 and 10 year returns if you have the information) asset allocation, and to re-balance to your desired allocation and risk tolerance. The $64,000 question is how your portfolio or advisor/investment manager did in comparison to appropriate benchmarks such as the S&P 500, TSX Composite, an International index and a Bond Index. This exercise is not necessarily easy (although some advisors and most investment managers provide benchmarks, they measure their returns against). I hope to write something in more detail on this topic next year.

PWL Capital on their resource page has market statistics and model portfolio’s that you can use as guidelines or to create your own benchmarks which I find useful.

Rob Carrick of The Globe and Mail in an article (it is behind a firewall) last year, pointed me to this Suggestus site which offers a no cost comparison against thousands of portfolios’. This is a good test check, but since no two portfolios are exactly alike, you need to understand the limitations of this site as an exact bench-marker.

Tax Items

As noted above, I use my yearly Quicken report for tax purposes. I print out the details of donations and medical receipts (acts as a checklist of the receipts I should have or will receive) and summaries of expenses that may be deductible for tax purposes such as auto expenses. If you use your home office for business or employment purposes (remember you need a T2200 from your employer), you should print out a summary of your home-related expenses.

Where you claim auto expenses, you should get in the habit of checking your odometer reading on the first day of January each year. This allows you to quantify how many kilometres you drive in any given year, which is often helpful in determining the percentage of employment or business use of your car (since, if you are like most people, you probably do not keep the detailed daily mileage log the CRA requires).

Medical/Dental Insurance Claims

As I have a health insurance plan at work, I also start to assemble the receipts for my final insurance claim for the calendar year. I find if I don’t deal with this early in the year, I tend to get busy and forget about it.

To facilitate the claim, I ask certain health providers to issue yearly payment summaries. This ensures I have not missed any receipts and assists in claiming my medical expenses on my income tax return. You can do this for physiotherapy, massage, chiropractors, orthodontists, and even some drug stores provide yearly prescription summaries.

Year-end financial clean-ups are not much fun and somewhat time-consuming. But they ensure you get all the money owing back to you from your insurer and ensure you pay the least amount of taxes to the CRA. In addition, a critical review of your portfolio and/or investment advisor could be the most important thing you do financially in 2019.


I provide a wide range of professional accounting, income tax preparation and consulting services including:

• Financial statement preparation
• Accounting and bookkeeping
• Personal Income tax preparation
• Estate returns
• Corporate Income tax preparation
• CRA audits and assistance
• HST and sales tax
• Business succession and valuations
• Business Start-ups

Let’s get started in three easy steps:

  1. Learn more about me ⇨ Send me a LinkedIn connection invite
  2. Send me an Email ✉ Send me a message at melanie@miltonaccountant.com
  3. Call ✆ Give me a call locally at 905-875-4444

Get more advice from Melanie on her blog and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter as well!