Entries by Melanie Beaumont

#AskMelanie: How can I better organize my estate?

January is a great month for reviewing and cleaning up your finances. In addition to this, I am strongly urging all of my clients to have another individual authorized on their CRA account (preferably your accountant and also a spouse or the executor of their will).  I have had many clients whose spouse has passed away […]

#AskMelanie: How to Complete a Financial Clean Up

The start of a new year is the perfect time for reflection. What important financial planning have you put aside during the busy holiday season? Now is the time to get caught up. Here is some great advice from the Blunt Bean Counter  #AskMelanie: So, what is a financial cleanup? The following are some areas […]

#AskMelanie : What Happens if I File My Taxes Late?

In business and life ignorance is never an acceptable excuse! Every week I’m here to let you in on financial implications in order to support your goals and financial well-being.  In our new series, “Ask Melanie” find out what happens when you don’t file your taxes. Melanie, What Happens if I File My Taxes Late? If you have a […]